Wednesday Night Mexican Club

Twenty-somethings in Dallas eat Tex-Mex around town every Wednesday and write about their exploits to raise local queso awareness.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Buenos Tardes Amigos

Dude everybody knows Scott Gomez is about as Mexican as Carlos Mencia. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only ice any Mexicans know of is the kind that goes in glass pipes...dang. So how can you skip out on "Half-blAIDs Wednesdays" for ice hockey? Hockey sucks dudes...and the Dallas Stars suck especially hard. Why not watch a sport that embraces the Mexican, like basketball. Eduardo Najera, Juan Carlos Navarro, Jorge "The Garbageman" Garbajosa, Francisco Garcia...the list goes on and on dudes. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, anyone who didn't show up to Mike's house last night with ZuZu's takeout for the Mavericks season opener is a gay. Also, ZuZu's tastes pretty good. The End.


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